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Posts Tagged ‘ Fraud ’

The Fictitious Client Scam

Jun 25th, 2011 | By | Category: Public Service

During the Iowa State Bar Association’s annual meeting, it was learned that once again Iowa lawyers are being targeted by fraudsters. As a follow-up to the explanation provided to the attendees, we are reposting a previous summary of the fraud and how it takes place.

Iowa Public Radio’s “The Exchange” Interview

Feb 6th, 2010 | By | Category: Public Service

Tre Critelli and Bryan Burkhardt, Director of the Electronic Crime Institute, were interviewed on IPR’s “The Exchange” on identity theft and fraud prior to the Fraud & Theft Conference. If you missed the show, we’ve got the links.

Fraud & Theft Conference – Protecting Yourself

Jan 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Public Service

Tre Critelli, the Iowa Attorney General’s Office and Lifelock will be presenting at the Electronic Crime Institute and the Des Moines Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ half-day seminar on fraud, phishing and identity theft. It’s free and open to the public. Click on the header for more info.

The Impact of Data Mining and Predictive Analysis on the Law of Fraud and Deceit

Oct 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Practice Notes

Claims for civil fraud and deceit have always presented a challenge to lawyers. Historically, of all the torts it has been the most difficult to prove. The problem has been a three hundred old pesky legal element called “scienter”. Now, thanks to twenty first century technology of data mining and predictive analysis scienter has been […]

Noticeable increase in fraud reports

Feb 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Public Service

Due to our dual qualification as English barristers and American attorneys, we have recently experienced a marked increase in calls relating to Internet investment or accommodation scams purportedly from the U.K. Click on the header to read more.

The (In)famous Charles Ponzi

Jan 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Practice Notes

Ever wonder where the term Ponzi Scheme came from? Meet Mr. Charles Ponzi.  Mr. Ponzi came to America from Italy around 1903. Unfortunately he is famous not for what he did for America but what he did to it. Ponzi was the only person in America to have a crime named after him. In the […]