March 13, 2014 Ethics Webinar: Are you Inadvertently Leaking Confidential Information
Mar 13th, 2014 | By critellilaw | Category: Featured Page
On March 13, 2014 over 1048 people attended the Webinar: Are you Inadvertently Leaking Confidential Information. Was the highest attended legal webinar in Iowa bar history. It was also cram packed with useful — and technical information. No sooner did the webinar close when we were flooded with e-mails asking for a video of the webinar.
The webinar was accredited for 1 hour Iowa Ethics CLE. The accreditation number is 133010. If you are from a state that requires a written confirmation of your attendance, you received an e-mail from us with the accreditation information . This will act as your accreditation certification for your state bar.
If you want to download copies of the PowerPoint and the Ethics Opinions referenced in the Webinar simply click this LINK TO POWERPOINT. If you want to view the video of the webinar, simply click on the LINK at the bottom of this page.
This morning I had 312 E-mails asking for contact information regarding ShareFile and WordRake. The ISBA has entered into a deal with ShareFile for a huge discount — about 90% so don’t buy it off the web. Contact Adam Wyrick at or Harry Shipley from the Bar office at and he’ll get you registered. Here’s a link to an interview I did at LegalTech New York regarding how I use ShareFile
This will give you some idea how and why we use it.
The Bar’s tech committee approved WordRake on Tuesday so we are working out the details. Here’s what I suggest. Send an e-mail to with a copy to me at Tell Jim you want a 30 day trial free trial period. That should give us plenty of time to conclude the deal with WordRake. When we do you can automatically get WordRake at the Iowa rates, assuming you want to keep it.
CritelliLaw Mediation WorkShop Webinar
Noon: April 17th and 18th 2014. 2 Hrs FREE CLE.
Lawyer’s have two tools with which to resolve their client’s disputes: Mediation and Litigation. Mediation is the dispute resolution tool of choice. But do you really know how to use it? Did you know resolution is the result of a proven scientific concept? Concepts such as stasis; social entropy; chaos theory; and the Kubler-Ross syndrome become extremely important. Think of it, if you know the underlying science and theory of dispute resolution you can better represent your clients.
For over 30 years I have mediated cases in many different states and in two countries. No matter what the nationality or locality the result is always the same: resolution is an intense 9 step process. In this two hour workshop, we will explore each step in depth.
On April 17th we will approach mediation from the plaintiff’s viewpoint. We will cover risk/benefit analysis; strategic planning and various tactics designed to achieve compromise. On April 18th we will do the same thing but from the standpoint of the Defendant.
Both segments will explore the ethics of mediation.
The workshop will be different from the traditional form of mediation training. We will be focusing on the Internet in mediation and the use of virtual data rooms and internet caucusing and conferencing.
The good news: The workshop is Free. The bad news: Each session will probably last a little longer than an hour. There’s a lot of material to cover.
Come join us. I think you’ll find it interesting. We are in the process of obtaining 2 hours Iowa CLE. The Webinar is FREE.
This Webinar is held daily, from:
Apr 17, 2014 to Apr 18, 2014 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CDT
Register Now at:
Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar.
CritelliLaw Litigation WorkShop Webinar
Noon May 6,7, and 8th 2014. 3 Hrs FREE CLE
In the April Webinar we covered Mediation as a method of dispute resolution. In this Webinar Workshop we will turn our attention to Litigation. This will not be typical Litigation webinar. This time we will be focusing on litigation as a process. More particular we will address the use of Information Technology in the litigation process. In other words, Litigation in the 21st century.
We will address the use of the Internet in investigating and researching the case; the use of information technology in strategic planning and decision making as required by Iowa R. Prof’l Conduct 32:1.4; the use of computer assisted litigation software such as CaseMap and TimeMap; how to effectively use PowerPoint animation, the use of Virtual Data Rooms and Virtual Offices and most importantly, the use of Video Conferencing.
Most importantly, we will explore the lawyer’s ethical duties to the client, opposing counsel and the court.
The good news: it’s free; the bad – its three consecutive days. We are in the process of obtaining 3 hours Iowa CLE. The Webinar is FREE.
This Webinar is held daily, from: May 5, 2014 to May 7, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT.
Register Now at:
Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar
Simply click on this VIDEOLINK and you can watch a video of the webinar. BUT REMEMBER –YOU CANNOT GET CLE FOR A VIDEO ON DEMAND.