EM: Counsel@CritelliLaw.com
USA-NY: 212-388-9661 USA-IA: 515-243-3122

Contact Information

Caution: No attorney-client relationship will be created by use of the Internet for communications with CritelliLaw  P.C. Please do not send us confidential or time-sensitive messages. Any unsolicited e-mails will not be treated as confidential.  You  should have no  expectation that your  unsolicited communication will create a conflict for the purposes of our representing other clients even as to the  matters contained in the unsolicited communication.  Finally an attorney-client relationship will not be established until we have entered into a written engagement agreement.

E-mail: To protect against automated spamming we have eliminated the .com from the following e-mail addresses.



Physical Address:

CritelliLaw, p.c.
317 Sixth Avenue
Sixth and Locust Streets
Des Moines, IA 50309
Telephone: 515-243-3122
Facsimile: 515-243-2932

Click for Google Map

Barristers’ Chambers 9stonemap
9 Stone Buildings
Lincoln’s Inn
London WC2A 3NN
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7404 5055
Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7405 1551
LDE: 314 Chancery Lane