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2014 CritelliLaw Mediation Webinar: A HUGE SUCCESS.

Apr 20th, 2014 | By | Category: Featured Page


2014 Mediation Webinar Joint


The 2014 CritelliLaw MEDIATION  WEBINAR was a huge success.  Over 190 lawyers and mediators from two countries  attended.   The feedback has been incredible. Miss the Webinar, need the CLE and want the Analytics?  You’re in luck.  We recorded it.

This was not the usual dull academic lecture — far from it.  Remember we’re lawyers and mediators so we approached the topic from a deck plate perspective.  (OK.. maybe we went a bit off the track by claiming that Frank studied at the DCIDR:  The Don Corleone Institute for Dispute Resolution because he  likes to make offers that “you can’t refuse”.  How were we to know that some of the younger participants had not heard or  seen The Godfather. )

Day 1

  • We explored the importance of thoroughly preparing your case for dispute by using  se of Case Analytics and a Damage Estimator.
  • We then moved on to identifying and understanding the discord dynamics that form the basis for the dispute:  Stasis; Relationship Entropy; and Chaos Theory.
  • But moving from dispute to resolution can be tricky.  We discussed reality testing through the use of common Risk Appreciation tools.
  • Finally, we discussed the all important Kubler-Ross Model and how you can use it to facilitate compromise.
  • We ended Day 1 by introducing a new form of Mediation Statement – a form analytic.  Participants were able to download a Strength of Case Analytic and Damage Estimator template, the Mediation Statement Analytic as well as other seminar materials.

Day 2 transitioned to how it all works together:

  • We explored how to identify the proper form of the mediation based upon the nature and extent of entropy and the chaos-control disconnect particularly as it concerned Caucus style and Conference forms.
  • But in 2014 we have a new form available: Internet Mediation.  We discussed the two most common formats,  the all virtual format and the format where one or more decision-makers are virtual but the decision-influencers are in person.
  • We discussed  the use of Virtual Data Rooms  and explored the CritelliLaw Virtual Data Room.
  • We ended the workshop with  the customary “5 things segment”:  5 things NOT to do and 5 things TO do.

The live Webinar was accredited for 2 hours of CLE and 1 HR of Ethics CLE Credit.

Miss the Webinar, need the CLE and want the Analytics?  You’re in luck.  We recorded it. However a “Video on Demand” CLE is different from a live webinar.  So we had to submit the recordings  for Video on Demand CLE Credit.  Now the bad news.   The Live Webinar was free but because the  Video on Demand has to be hosted so ask that you consider making a  voluntary  donation in any amount you determine.   Our goal is to get our own hosting server so we can eliminate the hosting fee.

1.  Day 1 Video: CLICK THIS LINK.

2.  Day 2 Video:  CLICK THIS LINK.

3   To get the  Strength of Case Analytic and Damage Estimator (please have this when you are watching the Day 1 video)  CLICK THIS LINK

4.  To get the Mediation Analytic CLICK THIS LINK

5.  To get the  Mediation Workbook.  (NOTE:  This is our original 15 year old mediation workbook.  It works but isn’t that pretty.)  CLICK THIS LINK

6.  To get a copy of the CritelliLaw Dispute Resolution Strategies and Mediation Services brochure, CLICK THIS LINK

Now you see why hosting is expensive :)

TO GET VIDEO ON DEMAND CLE CREDIT  E-MAIL ME  AT:  Nick@CritelliLaw.com  and I’ll send you the CERTIFICATE of COMPLIANCE and the CLE Numbers and answer any questions  you may have.  Keep the Certificate with your CLE records.  It will act as our compliance with the interactive contact requirement.


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